"Staff in a takeaway were offended by two lesbians' full-on kissing and expressed their opinion about the behaviour."
Where was I when this was going on??
staff in a takeaway were offended by two lesbians' full-on kissing and expressed their opinion about the behaviour.
the lesbians complained to police that a "hate crime" was committed.. homosexual or heterosexual - do it in private, it's not a spectator sport or a public statement.. minority groups can invoke police action if they are "offended," but society in general cannot do likewise.. why has "being offended" been turned into a hate crime in the uk?
who is pushing this agenda?.
"Staff in a takeaway were offended by two lesbians' full-on kissing and expressed their opinion about the behaviour."
Where was I when this was going on??
when i was newly divorced,still attending meetings, some of the younger married sisters got friendly with me.
we went out (to bars) after the meeting, we hung out, etc.
then one “ friend” asked me for a favor.
what are your thoughts on that?.
Do what I did. Date a non-jw.
jackie kennedy was considered the most beautiful for years.
melania trump is obviously an ex model.
michelle obama has been touted as a true beauty.
Wasn't Dolley Madison pretty hot back in the day?
i was in full time service for six years including bethel.
once i got out of bethel, i figured i had already given them six of the best years of my life (ages 18-24) working as a slave/drone in their factory, so i rationalized that i had given them enough... so over the next 27 years i would say maybe $200 bucks is it.
i think their whole "voluntary contributions" idea is biting them in the ass, because over all jehovah's witnesses are a cheap group people with a few exceptions.
Not much.
i had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
Lett has an awesome comb-over!
we all know/knew people in the kh that were about nuts.
tell us your strangest stories.
i will start.
We had a sister who claimed to be allergic to all perfume and deodorant too.
as ive mentioned before i like digging into obscure watchtower characters of the past.
so todays topic will be w.f.
Walter Salter...love that name!
i was just wondering if there is any official rules on dealing with this.
a sister in the congregation is planning to divorce her husband who is also a witness so she can marry a different brother in the same hall!
yes this is a huge scandal!
like this happened in my neck of the woods recently. The newly married couple
was reinstated in like 6 months. You just gotta know how to play the system and
know the right elders.
study watchtower october 2019, page 12, par.
17 - "a true christian must make sure that his secular employment has nothing to do with babylon the great.
for example, he would not be an employee of a church.
Remember the old saying: “If it doesn’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense (cents).” Even if it means getting just one extra dollar, the org will bend the rules every time and then try to justify it.